HIV Treatment

[Positive Living][twocolumns]

Prison Health

[Prison Health][bleft]

Sexual Health

[Reproductive Health][twocolumns]

Young People

[Young People][bleft]

Community Systems

[Community Systems][bsummary]


In a bid to contribute to the achievement of the global 90,90,90 targets for ending AIDS by 2030 BHASO embarked on a campaign goal for taking medication to the community through the Out of Facility Community ART Distribution model. The advocacy work involved engaging Ministry of Health and Child Care, Global Fund 2020 proposal writing team, PEPFAR COP 2020, PEPFAR implementing partners and other key stakeholders. 
The campaign was successful and the  OFCAD model was included for scale up under the Zimbabwe PEPFAR COP 2020 as well as Global Fund  proposal  for  2021 funding. For a full description of the trajectory to this great achievement please refer to the attached report.
Many thanks to the COMPASS Africa team for the financial and technical support.  

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