HIV Treatment

[Positive Living][twocolumns]

Prison Health

[Prison Health][bleft]

Sexual Health

[Reproductive Health][twocolumns]

Young People

[Young People][bleft]

Community Systems

[Community Systems][bsummary]

COVID-19 Relief Interventions

Community leaders having a dialogue at Morgenster Hospital on how best they can help in  creating  a safe and supportive environment for AYPLHIV.  READY+ Project. 

Parents and caregivers of adolescence and young people living with HIV
 having a dialogue at Nemamwa clinic on how to communicate with their children effectively. READY+ Project.   
Representatives from the Masvingo District Health Executive receiving Personal Protective Equipment and hygiene packs at Bere Clinic to strengthen the capacity of frontline health  workers in providing quality services in the face  of covid-19 with support from PATA.

sex workers from King Mine in Mashava, Masvingo celebrating arrival food humpers supported by Aidsfonds covid-19 relief fund through  SAFADS.  

The Director of BHASO, Mr S. Mahaso 4th from right pose for a photo with sex workers and BHASO Project Officer after distribution of food humpers.

Members of the Kuyanana Ex-Inmates association receiving food humpers with  support from  SANOP  

These unprecedented times do not spare anyone, all the communities we serve have been adversely affected by the novel disease. While we did not record any direct effects in the form of covid-19 related sickness or deaths among the communities, the preventive measures have affected access to health services, community support and the welfare of the communities that are served by BHASO. With the support of our funding partners, we have managed to respond effectively to some of the challenges presented by measures set to control and contain Covid-19.

Adolescents and Young People Living with HIV

Covid-19 resulted in the lockdown measures which limited traveling of people through restricting movement and limiting transport providers. As such, AYPLHIV are forced to unintentionally disclose their status as they seek travelling exemption letters from the responsible authorities. Some of the AYPLHIV live far from the health facilities. Community dialogues were conducted with adherence to the Covid-19 guidelines to enable addressing the challenges faced by adolescents and Young people living HIV in accessing Health Facilities for collecting their resupplies. BHASO also assisted the Ministry of Health and Child Care nurses to make follow ups on defaulting AYPLWHIV.
Sex Workers
This community was adversely affected by the lockdown measure as most of them could no longer provide their services to clients since their areas of operation (night clubs) were closed. This scenario also posed a new challenge that placed sex workers on high risk of contracting both Covid-19 and HIV as they had to engage any clients that would come by and often with limited bargain power for safer sex. With support from SAFAIDS through the Aidsfonds Covid-19 Relief fund, a total of 100 sex workers were assisted with food humpers (10kg mealie meal, 2 Liters Cooking Oil, 1kg salt, 500g Soya Chunks, 250g Kapenta and 1kg sugar beans).

Prison Populations
This prison population lives in a closed setting and often receive crucial information at a very late stage, as such during these unprecedented times information on covid-19 was lacking for inmates but with assistance from Voluntary Service Oversees covid-19 awareness raising was merged with Peer Education trainings conducted at Chiredzi, Mutimurefu and Beitbridge Prisons reaching out to 100 participants (80 inmates and 20 Officers). 40 inmates were also assisted with hygiene packs (too paste, tooth brush, washing soap, bathing soap, bucket, petroleum jelly, towels and a t/shirt) 
A total of 30 Ex-inmates were also supported with food humpers to cushion the negative impacts of covid-19 on access to food through the Southern Africa Network of Prisons (SANOP).  

People Living With HIV
With support from FEPA, BHASO also managed to assist 50 people living with HIV in Masvingo with cash transferrers to enable access to nutrition for enhanced adherence and health outcomes. 

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